Sunday, December 5

Blue Water

I got to open my birthday/Christmas present early. I am now the happy and proud owner of my own Mac Book!! First order of business, hook up the Bamboo Wiacom tablet, and install the painting programs and try them out. I do love Corel Painter Essentials. This is just playing with watercolor brushes and getting the feel of how it works with the McBook. Loving it!!

Friday, February 19

Aviary's Free!

My tablet has been out of commission for a while, so I haven't been doing computer art as much lately.
But I got an e-mail today that Avairy is now free!!
I had really started to fall in love with Avairy, way back when, when it first started. I was excited to learn a lot of new things. But then, it went from beta to pay-for, and I lost my love! It was way out of my price range considering my skill level.
But now that it's free, I'm excited again!
And, I just got a new camera, so I'm more inspired on the photography as well. Combining the two will be awesome.
I've started posting a bit more often on my crafty blog too, stop by if you like.